Friday, 8 February 2013


Dalam rangka memperingati Dies Natalis Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta sekaligus merupakan agenda rutin dari organisasi prodi HMP ESA FKIP UNS yang ke -10, kami menyelenggrakan berbagai macam lomba berbahasa inggris di DECADE ESA'S FAIR , lomba tersebut diantaranya :

    Lomba ini dikhususkan untuk siswa SMP, info lebih lengkap silahkan klik disini.

    Lomba ini dikhususkan untuk siswa SMA, info lebih lengkap silahkan klik disini.

    Lomba ini dikhususkan untuk siswa SMA, info lebih lengkap silahkan klik disini.
    Lomba ini dikhususkan untuk mahsiswa, info lebih lengkap silahkan klik disini.


Berikut adalah contoh RPP yang dibuat oleh author. Dalam pembuatan RPP ini sepenuh hati mendapat bimbingan dari dosen pembimbing PPL saya yang luar biasa. Beliau adalah Prof. Dr. Joko Nurkamto, M.Pd.

Nama Sekolah        : SMA Negeri 1 Surakarta
Mata Pelajaran        : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester       : X/1
Keterampilan Bhs   : Membaca (Reading)
Genre                      : Teks fungsional pendek (Short functional text)
Tema/Topik            : Undangan (invitation)
Pertemuan ke-        : 2                                                     
Alokasi Waktu       : 2 x 45 menit (1 pertemuan)

I.  Standar Kompetensi

5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional pendek dalam konteks kehidupan sehari- hari dan  
    untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.

II. Kompetensi Dasar
5.1 Merespon makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek (misalnya pengumuman,
      iklan, undangan dll.) resmi dan tak resmi secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam
      konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.

III. Indikator
Setelah menyelesaikan pelajaran merespon makna dalam teks fungsional pendek, peserta didik diharapkan mampu:
a.    Menunjukkan gagasan utama (main idea) suatu teks undangan;
b.   Menyebutkan informasi rinci dalam teks undangan, baik yang tersirat maupun
c.    Menjelaskan makna kata atau ungkapan tertentu dalam teks undangan;
d.   Menjelaskan rujukan (reference) yang ada dalam teks undangan;

IV. Materi Ajar
Terlampir (lampiran 1)

V. Metode Pembelajaran
Inquiry Based Teaching

VI. Prosedur Pembelajaran
A.Pendahuluan      (7 menit)
1. Memberi salam
2. Berdoa
3. Mengecek kehadiran siswa
4. Mereview pelajaran sebelumnya
5. Mengetengahkan topik pelajaran
6. Menjelaskan tujuan pelajaran
7. Menjelaskan manfaat pelajaran

B. Kegiatan inti
Kegiatan Guru
Kegiatan Siswa

1.   Guru menanyakan kepada siswa tentang berbagai acara perayaan yang pernah diikuti siswa tersebut.
2.   Guru menanyakan siswa apakah siswa pernah mengahadiri acara ulang tahun temannya atau mengundang ulang tahun ke rumah nya.

Siswa menjawab pertanyaan yang dilontarkan guru.

5 menit


1.   Guru meminta siwa untuk menceritakan pengalamannya mengahadiri pesta ulang tahun teman.
2.   Guru meminta siswa untuk berbagi pengalaman ketika mengadakan acara ulang tahun di rumahnya kepada teman-temannya di kelas.

1.   Siswa menceritakan pengalamannya ketika mengahadiri pesat ulang tahun temanya.

2.   Siswa menceritakan pengalamanya ketika mengadakan pesta ulang tahun di rumahnya.

15 menit


1.   Guru menjelaskan teori tentang teks undangan diawali dengan memberikan sebuah contoh teks undangan.
2.   Guru membantu siswa menemukan kata-kata yang sulit yan ada di teks undangan tersebut.
3.   Guru membimbing siswa untuk menemukan main idea dari teks undangan tesebut.
4.   Guru membimbing siwa menemukan specific information dalam teks undangan tersebut.
5.   Guru membimbing siswa menemukan untuk siapa teks undangan diberikan.
6.   Guru mejelaskan elemen-elemen yang ada pada invitation text seperti lokasi dan waktu.

Siswa memperhatikan apa yang guru smapaiakn, siswa mencatat berbagai informasi tentang teks undnagan di dalam catatan nya.

20 menit

1.   Guru menyuruh siswa untuk membuat kelompok yang terdiri atas 5 orang.
2.   Guru memberikan latihan soal mengenai teks undangan.

Siswa mengerjakan soal latihan secara berkelompok.
15 menit

1.   Guru memberikan test untuk siswa kerjakan secara individu.
2.   Guru membahas soal tersebut dan memberikan siswa nilai.
3.   Guru menyuruh siswa untuk memebrikan pertanyaan seputar teks invitation yang tealah dipelajari.

Siswa mengerjakan soal secara individu dan menyakan kesulitan yang dihadapi.
26 menit

C.Penutup (7 menit)
1. Meringkas pelajaran
2. Melakukan refleksi
3. Menyampaikan pelajaran yang akan datang
4. Memberi salam penutup

VII. Media Pembelajran
1.    LCD projector, screen, dan laptop
2.    Teks undangan

VIII. Sumber Belajar
1. Sundayana, Wachyu, dkk.2007.  Contexual Learning Developing Competencies in English Use for SMA. Bandung : Grafindo
               2. LKS Bahasa Inggris MGMP SMP & MTS Kab. Solo
               3. Kamus Indonesia-Inggris, Inggris –Indonesia
IX. Penilaian
1.    Jenis Penilaian        : sumatif
2.    Teknik Penilaian     : tertulis, objektif, pilihan ganda
3.    Alat penilaian         : terlampir (lampiran 2)
4.    Kunci jawaban        : terlampir (lampiran 2)
5.    Rubrik Penilaian     : terlampir (lampiran 2)

                                                                                                Surakarta, 12 Desember  2012
Kepala Sekolah,                                                                      Guru Mata Pelajaran,

­­­­­­­­­­­­­_______________________                                                              ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­____________________
NIP.                                                                                                    NIP.


A.    Reading Text
Read the following text carefully.
97 Fir Crescent
Denver, CO 80409
December 17, 2008

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Johnson,

As the parents of the bride, I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to the wedding of our daughter, Sandra Green to her fiancé, Adam Locke. On this joyous occasion, we wish to share the day with our closest friends and family members.

Children grow faster than any of us can imagine, the time is upon us to watch our child grow and flourish into a new stage of their life. He proposed while the two of them were on vacation, she happily accepted and now they are to be married.

The formal event will be located at the Fire Lake Golf and Country Club on the fifteenth of August at three o'clock, two thousand and nine.

Please RSVP by the fifteenth of June to ensure attendance. We hope to see you there to enjoy this special day with friends and family.

Sincerely Yours,

B.     Exercises
Task 1
1.      What is the general idea of the text?
2.      What is the specific information of the text?
3.      What is the meaning of the word related with invitation below?
a.    pleased to inform       
b.   anniversary                 
c.    invite                          
d.   sincerely
Task 2            
Who is the referent from the invitation text above?
1.      Our            (sentence 1, paragraph 1)
2.      Them         (sentence 2, paragraph 2)

C.    Expected Answers and Explanation
Task 1
1.      The general idea of the text about main idea and supporting main idea.
Explanation : The general idea is very general. In general idea there are main idea and supporting main idea. The main idea of a paragraph is what that paragraph is about. The rest of the sentences are details that support the main idea. To find the main idea, ask yourself, "What is it about?"
It is important to find main ideas when reading. Main ideas help readers remember important information. The main idea of a paragraph tells the topic of the paragraph. The topic tells what all or most of the sentences are about.
The main idea of this invitation text is invitation wedding party.
The supporting idea of this invitation text is the writer want to invite Mr. and Mrs Johnson to her daughter wedding party.

2.      The specific information from the invitation text is to ensure attendance RSVP is needed by the fifteenth of June.
Explanation : For getting specific information in the invitation text, we must
                 focus on the main idea and sometimes we can use scanning strategies to do it.

pleased to inform               : senang untuk memberitahu
anniversary                         : perayaan, peringatan, hari jadi
invite                                  : mengundang, meminta
sincerely                             : dengan tulus, dengan sungguh-sungguh

Task 2
1.      Our refers to the writer daughter and son.
Explanation            : it is based on the previous sentence that the writer want to
  invite his friend to come to the wedding party.
2.      Them refers to bridegroom candidate.
Exlpanation            : it based on the next sentence that say she happily accepted and
  now they are to be married. They here is the same as them that
  refers to bridegroom candidate.


Short functional text is a short text that has social function to inform something. We call it short functional text because the text is short and has a specific information.What are including in short functional text? Kinds of functional texts are announcement, short message, advertisement, label, sign, notice, pamphlet, brochure and the other short texts.
Short functional text is a text to give information / warning to the listener or reader that something is important to be know. Short Functional Text is a short text containing the command, direction, something to be done or should not be done which may be a ban (Prohibition), invitations (invitation), Greeting Cards, messaging (short message), shopping lists, warning (notice), announcement, and others that contain meaning and are used in everyday communication.
Invitation text is a text that request for a person's attendance at an
Before you worry about your invitation wording, you have to make sure you have all of the correct information together that should be included on a party invite. However you arrange it, all invitations should provide the following information:
·         Party location, date and time: This information is imperative to getting the party-goers to your fete. If you would like to wrap the party up at a certain time, feel free to write that in the invitation, too. Many children's birthday parties have a definite start and finish, as do many holiday parties.
·         Party type: The invitation design and wording should both convey the type of party, from birthday to shower to retirement party. If you're planning a surprise party, make sure that is explicitly clear in the wording.
·         Formality: Formality can range from party to party, even if it's for a similar event. Let guests know a housewarming party is casual by including that in the wording, or make sure everyone wears their black-tie best by wording the invitation properly.
·         Directions: If the party will be held at someplace off the beaten path, make sure guests know how to get there. Add a small enclosure card with a map and directions.
·         RSVP: Let guests know how to inform you they are coming. Include your phone number and your email address, along with a "reply by" date.
In addition to this basic information, it is important to include any additional information guests need to know. For example, guests will need to know they should bring swimwear and accessories for a pool party. Similarly, if the party is a costume party, guests will also need to know the theme so they can dress appropriatelly.

A.    Alat Evaluasi

Directions: Read the following texts, then answer the questions about them by choosing A, B, C, or D that best answers each question or completes each sentence

Text 1 (Questions 1 – 5)
January 01, 2010

Dear Family and Friends,

We would like to share with you the engagement of our son, Paulo John, to his long-time girlfriend, Pamela Grace Sy. After sharing love-filled dates and meetings within the past few years, Paulo already asked Mela’s hand for marriage. Our son finally wanted to settle down into a family life, and he would like to share that life with Mela. As it turns out, Mela is thinking of the same thing.

They were engaged last November 30, 2009 and they would want to announce it publicly to everyone. In that note, we would love to see you in their engagement party.
February 14, 2010 at 4:00 o’clock PM at our home, 823 Youngstown Court, Hemet, CA 92222.

Sincerely yours,

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Li

1. What is the text about?
        A. the invitation of  birthday party
       B.  the invitation of wedding party
       C.  the invitation of engagement party
       D. the invitation of reunion anniversary
2. It can be inferred from the text that ….
A. Engagement will hold on February 14th
B. Engagement will hold on the last November.
       C.  Wedding  will hold on the last November.
D. Wedding will held on February 14th.
3. What is the meaning of word announce on the text above?
       A.   Pengundian
       B.    Pengumuman
       C.    Pertemuan
       D.   Pengikatan

4. The word “their” (sentence 2  paragraph 2) refers to ….
       A.   The writers
       B.    Mr. and Mrs Robert
       C.    Friends and family
       D.   Paulo and Pamela
5. The word “share” (sentence 3 paragraph 1) can be best replaced by the word ...
       A.   give
       B.    bring
       C.    adopt
       D.   see

Text 2 (Question 6-10)
December 1, 2008

Dear Alumni,

Western University College (WUC) will be having a Grand Alumni Homecoming on December 7, 2008 at 2:00 pm at Joyous Resort and Restaurant as the celebration of 30th Foundation Anniversary of WUC.
On this regard, we are cordially inviting you to attend the said affair to meet your old friends, classmates, acquaintances and teachers, reminiscing memorable experiences and sharing stories of success and most specially to renew our commitment to the noble ideals of our beloved Alma Mater.
The registration charges are Php 500.00 per person payable at the venue. These charges include Alumni T-shirt, Alumni ID, Alumni souvenir, dinner, live band and raffle draws.
For further inquiries, please contact our Alumni Secretariat at (047) 237-2383 or text us at 09173445631.
We look forward to your presence in this once a year celebration.

Thanks you very much.
Truly yours,

Michael Reyes
School Director

6. What is the text about?
        A. Anniversary of Western University College (WUC) invitation
       B.  Grand opening of Western University College (WUC) invitation
       C.  Gathering of  Western University College (WUC) invitation
       D. Reunion  of  Western University College (WUC) invitation
 7. It can be inferred from the text that ….
A. These charges include souvenir and scholarship.
B. The party is also the  celebration of 30th Foundation Anniversary of WUC.
C.  The reunion party is held by school director.
DRegistration charges are Php 700.00 per person payable at the venue.
8. What is the meaning of word charges on the text above?
       A.   Mengecas
       B.    Menjual
       C.    Membayar
       D.   Membeli

9. The word “you” (sentence 1  paragraph 2) refers to ….
       A.   The writers
       B.    Alumni
       C.    Michael
       D.   The eeaders and writers
10. The word “renew” (sentence 1 paragraph 2) can be best replaced by the word ...
       A.   update
       B.    revise
       C.    remark
       D.   outdate

B.     Kunci Jawaban
  1. C
  2. B
  3. B
  4. D
  5. A
  6. D
  7. B
  8. C
  9. B
  10. A

Jika siswa menjawab jawaban benar diberi skor             1
Jika siswa menjawab jawaban salah diberi skor 0
Penilaian  :          Total Benar/ Jumlah Total Skor x 10
                              10/ 10 x 10 = 10